by on June 22, 2015
im so sick of all the hate i see on the daily, i put positive things in my life to make it better but everywhere is ignorance.

love is love we dont stop straight people from "being in love" dont stop anyone else because you dont like it, not your life so why do you have say in it.

also the battle on weed is pointless i believe why fight something that helps in so many ways??? when taxed properly it is very profitable which can save us during economic hardship, as a user of cannabis myself im not going to quit but i would like to go to store and buy my weed then someone off the street who will sell you god only knows what. that how so many people get hooked on worse shit is going through the wrong people. i have seen to many people i know go down the wrong path just being put around the wrong people.

i have so many ideas i could change the world
i wish people would just listen to my ideas
i wish i could change everything
i can save the animals
i wanna fix our prison system
change the face of cannabis

why i use cannabis

i have scoliosis,depression in the past, low blood pressure, and i dont get hungry

i know i dont get hungry like i can go days without eating and not even realize because i dont feel hungry its not fun i drop weight like most people gain, losing pounds for me is normal, cant ever seem to stay at a healthy weight.

cannabis is the only thing to take my pain away and make me hungry without having to take harsh drugs prescribe to me that fuck up my body worse in the long run. the blood pressure meds they wanna put me on will more likely kill me then help me, why do such drug even exist???

low blood pressure is no joke though, have you stood up and got light headed, well that happens everytime i stand and its so bad my blood pressure will drop so low i completely lose my vision and the ability to stand and will fall the the floor lucky i can control my falling for the most part. its scary and i have to live with on the daily lucky i have tells now to know when my blood pressure is low and since i get hungry now, thanks to cannabis, low blood pressure isnt a problem i have to worry about as much

i also have a huge amount of my close family affected by cancer and i believe strongly in the healing cannabis brings to so many

lets start changing the world

im Emma and i wish i could change the world
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thanks for reading didnt think anybody honestly would but i wanted to express, i hope you have a great day and i hope one day things change
Like June 22, 2015
Summer Rain
Thank you for sharing , great blog
Like June 25, 2015
Like June 25, 2015