by on June 20, 2015
One thing i cannot stand is people being negative towards "love"
So many people are just so damn quick to judge other peoples relationship.
For example, I'm BISEXUAL. i love girls and i love guys, I've dated both sexes and its just who i am. I was born this way, and will never change! There are soooooo many people who "hate" on the LGBT community and its frustrating, but honestly they can complain as much as the want because there will always be LGBT people in this world <3

Another thing that irritates me is age comments.
My boyfriend and me have a 10yr & 4 month gap between us.. I'm 21 and he is 31. We met right after i turned 18. I cant even tell you how many people have brought up the fact that he is a lot older than me. They can just FUCK OFF. Love is love, why cant people just let someone love another person without the hate? If i wanna be with a girl, a guy, someone who's 10,20+ years old than me, & ect. Then SO WHAT. Its MY life, and I'm allowed to love anybody i want too. I hope someday people will be more positive about life and other peoples life choices.

Love who ever you want, and don't let anyone try & stop you <3
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