Lily of the valley
by on June 12, 2015
I had the the pleasure of reading an amazing article regarding Tommy Chong who recently visited AZ to promote his new line from Flower to rolling papers.

I look forward to Mr. Chongs new line of MMJ products. It was also great to read that Mr. Chong truly believes in the Miracles that Cannabis provides and believes that we can replace everything with Hemp and that this could also help with global warming in reversing the effects. It was also was great to find out that (Chong Star) strain is a favorite which comes from Colorado and who would know best than him smoking since age 18 and just recently celebrated his 77th Birthday.

In 2012 Mr.Chong beat cancer and states that Cannabis helped with fighting off the disease.
Mr. Chong you are an Amazing Inspiration to All....Thank you!
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