by on May 21, 2015
I want to first say if you went to Hempcon I am very sorry for your experience. I have been to a few and had a more positive experience than that. If you did not attend Hempcon count your blessings. Especially if you are a vendor! The first day was just swarming with undercover police and the dea! No one was able to smoke, there was not a medicating area, and you could not bring any product in. There were a few vendors who brought there stuff all the way down had already paid for the booth space and could not even set up. Our booth had also gotten raided luckily no one from our team went to jail, but ten people that weekend did. From my point of view I will explain what happened. Maryjayne Elizabeth, 420Frenchie, and I were petting a dog in front of our booth. 420Frenchie had made C-B-D infused edibles that were in the back of the booth, (not displayed) and I had notice there was a police officer near us. Someone asked out loud who's booth is this, Maryjayne Elizabeth answered mine. As I get up from petting the, ever so adorable dog, I realize there are 5 uniformed police officers standing around us. Next to them about 3 dea agents and a few of the Hempcon management crew. around them, half the attendees with there phones recording everything. The agents walk behind our booth and start to go threw everything. Merchandise, purses, storage boxes, and of course the C-B-D infused edibles. The girls were then walked back and questioned about it luckily they were let go, unfortunately that was not the case for everyone. I am very sorry to those who were spending the weekend in jail (you didn't miss much after that anyway)! Of course this means that the whole weekend was slow, needless to say I basically made my investment back. However I am thankful for that much because I know of many other vendors who lost thousands of dollars on this event. I just hope the next event I vend at is much better! I am posting a link to a youtube video so you can hear the rage of the attendees. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oweP8toHJLE
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