by on April 25, 2015
Disclaimer: I don't know a whole lot about RI's MMJ laws but this is just my opinion on what I've read on what illnesses and mental disorders would qualify for someone to get their medical card. What sucks about what is required to get a medical card in ri is there is nothing listed about migraines or mental disorders I'm not saying the things that can qualify someone to get medical marijuana aren't important cuz they are very important but I wish their were more disorders listed because someone who has a mental disorder who can benifits from MMJ may not be able to get their medical card and that's really sad and not fair. I think their should be more mental disorders on that list I've been reading the blogs Rouge Marley posts and I'm like why aren't these on the list PTSD, Bipolar, ADHD and so many other disorders aren't listed and it's not fair
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