by on April 20, 2015
What 420 means to me? 420 means meaning things to different people but what I think it means to me is a gathering of the same group of people who love cannabis just as much as I do. I us cannabis because I have chronic hives and break out all over that its irritating and itches I also have anxiety which cannabis helps calm me down to where both do not affected me. Cannabis and 420 can mean so many different things to everyone but I feel like it means one things to all it HELPS US live our lives and keep on.

#420Nurses420 #420Nurses #420NursesSanDiegoChapter #420Community #420Society #420Love #420Healing

Hope everyone has an amazing and magical 420 and one day I hope to meet you in this journey and I can see what 420 means to you Smile The photos are of me enjoying some smooth medicated dabs with nature.
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