by on April 15, 2015
I recently joined the Santa Cruz 420 nurses last month an become an official 420 nurse intern, am so excited to be apart of this chapter an team. Its awesome to be around girls who share the same belief's as you do in the cannabis community, can't wait to see our chapter an these lovely Ladies flourish as a 420nurses. I'm a shy person so joining something like this is really helping me break out of that shell. An I couldn't be happier with being apart of this chapter an all our nurses are so nice an welcoming.This has become a really great experience an I can't wait to see what happens in the road ahead just thought I'd share Wink
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Angela Asphyxia
Congratulations on becoming an Official Intern! I'm also shy and 420Nurses has helped me meet new people that have become my best friends (:
Like April 15, 2015