by on April 10, 2015
Hello all!

How are you? Good? Good. Been busy and have a billion and one things on my plate, don't worry I'm not disappearing from the site entirely, I'm just organizing the time given to me in-between my job, my career, and my life.

My job: A place where i'm hired and expected to have availability like a full time employee; but, get scheduled like a part-time employee. I shovel popcorn into tubs, get papercuts ripping tickets, I get tired of saying the same intro, asking what movie someone wants to see at box office, and tired of just hurting myself at that movie theater in general. Yes, I work at a movie theater, big surprise! I have an actual job, that doesn't involve anything marijuana related. Do I like working there? For what I'm doing? No. For the purpose of the company? No. For my bosses? No. I'm doing to for me, and I'm doing it for the tiny guests who's day I make. Yesterday, I had a little boy come running down the stairs and ran straight up to me and grabbed my hips, " LADY, WE'RE SEEING HOME." and he proceeded to tell me how excited he was to see the movie, and about Tip and ohm and the adventure they were going to go have. He was also the only one to cheer and clap during my greet.

My career: I don't really have one of those set career goals, in a sense I want to be a venture capitalist after I've established my goals and help others reach theres. I want to have a partner share in a bunch of different companies so I can gain from the capital of all those companies. I also have interest in still doing modeling, acting, and what not on the side. along with my free-lance graphic design. All in all with everything Cuzco has me reaching those goals! I have a shoot sunday and a shoot Wednesday Smile

My Life: I really don't ever get time to hang out with friends or even people in general as I'm always busy working. So this blog is basically me going BECOME MY FRIEND AND GIVE ME MY SOCIAL LIFE BACK Smile

It may be crazy and chaotic, but I love my life and the people that are in it, and those who haven't weaved their way in yet~
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