by on March 31, 2015
Most people look at me and think nothing of me, but deep down inside I feel awful. I don't write this blog to have people feel bad for me, or get any sympathy. I'm writing it because I want people to know that living with a disease its a awful feeling. I have Crohns Disease, I've been having the symptoms for over 4 years now, and was finally diagnosed with it about 2 and a half years ago. They put me on anti inflammatory pills, which I was supposed to take about 8 of them a day, after a few months had gone by I had noticed that I just started feeling worse since I started taking the pills, and so I stopped taking them. Now I've smoked weed since I was around 16, and it was for recreational use. I didn't have any need to smoke it then, I was just doing it because thats what my friends were doing. I quit for a little bit, but then I started to have awful migraines, like to the point where I couldn't stand any light, I would be in bed all day, so nauseous, and so my boyfriend at the time suggested I try to smoke again and once I did, my migraines were gone. So I've been smoking for my migraines, and because recently I was diagnosed with the disease I smoke more. I wake up every morning sick to my stomach, throwing up, can't eat, can even barely get out of bed. Fortunately smoking wax helps more with my Crohns than smoking just the buds. If I wake up feeling any sort of pain, sickness or anything I can just take a hit and it all goes away, I'm so glad that I was able to find a solution to a huge problem in my life.
I am so glad I am able to join and support a company that will be behind my Medical choices no matter what. I hope to go far with this company, and can't wait to see what they have in store for me. Smile
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Summer Rain
Thank you for sharing, My sister is showing early signs of Chrons and I love to learn about how cannabis helps each of us! Sending you lots of love in your recovery and happy you can be an example for other girls, or people, who might be going through similar things. One Love Xoxox
Like April 2, 2015