by on March 14, 2015
Hi! I'm devyn I don't really like my name but I do so dee is fine or true I like that lol. Ive been trying to get a job lately and I finally did and now I'm trying to hurry up and finish traing I can Start Serving again than I can finally chill and focus on pictures wich I use to love taking ALL the time there was a time when I had a thousand selfies and now I barley even take a picture it's sad really I guess I want a better camera. I love to see all the different pictures on here its awesome how everyone can just be them selves. It's almost like our own hideout in a way lol. I smoke weed alot and go to school everyday except Fridays so that takes up most of my time and now that I'm working I'm gonna be alot more busy but I will finally have money to get gear and then I will definitely be back to my old selfie self I really love what this community is all about and I can't wait to really be part of it Smile
Also I am so greatful for all my fans and friends thanks summer, chacha, Jimmy for starting this great idea! Can't wait for more Smile
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