Shannon Majestic
by on February 23, 2015
This can go one of two ways...
Either REALLY good....
I've suffered both
I had a moment of glory where I could barely function in real life but in game..I was Akali...went 39/5/26 in ARAM [[ the only stage I play ]]
Another when I was playing Diana, now those of you who play League of Legends, Diana is amazing, but I don't build her as most do, I build AS/AP/AD, and holy fuck is she beast.
ANYWHO I went 35/2/27.
the bad.
I was playing....goodness I don't even remember, I was so super baked, I never got a kill and I believe the team went for a surrender and I got outvoted.

So in conclusion...cannabis and LoL go REALLY well together...depending on the situation and the champion you get.
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