by on February 21, 2015
Tonight's San Diego 420Nurses Chapter Meet-Up was a success!!! Had 30 girls here! We also had Ebombs Gourmet Edibles and Golden Goods Oragnics come by and sponsor us with some treats and oil!... We have an official Photographer who is Alejandra "Lexi" and she was amazing tonight taking all the pictures for eveything and everyone. We are goin to be starting photo shoots a couple times a week to update our Chapter's pages and build each girls profiles. Its just a great time meeting new girls and seeing familiar faces! Can't wait for next mont hand many more. Each meet up keep getting bigger and I can't wait to see what it turns out to in the future. Everyone really needs to keep up with our chapter!! We're doing big things!! Huge thanks to everyone who came out and I appreaciate you all making the trip here!!
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Summer Rain
<3 you are amazing - 30 girls!! wow
Like March 6, 2015