by on January 30, 2015
Insomnia Is a real thing, ya know that?

Sitting thinking about how awkward my sleeping pattern is.... and how bad my Insomnia use to be due to body pain and such I would have. I have had My share of years on and off with really really bad cases of it. A main reason I use to be a heavy Toker, I felt Like I Needed to smoke to sleep all of the time.
I am so glad Now in days I can go to my local dispensary and pick up some type of flower or medible even to help me relax and ease into sleep. Its so re-leaving to know the MMJ Industries has grown in the way it has. Crazy To think a small brownie, or a TEA BAG Can help with some back pain and help me sleep!! crazy!

I am proud to say I enjoy my sleep now very much so, and the only reason my sleeping patter Is a little hazey now Is due to My work Schedule. Working nights Has Its days. who else suffered/ suffers from insomnia?

How have you tried to cure it? Or at least, what has helped you sleep?

a healthier alternative to for me, is lavender !! fresh scent of lavender has always helped. Rub a little dab, behind your ears and neck. Or If you happen to be a tea person, lavender tea helps as well. But Like I said before For the most part I enjoy medibles or hash tea to help me relax and for body pain! But don't take it personally from me, Go try what helps you. Or even if you have something you think may help, please feel free to share it with me!!

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend, stay stoney everyone !!

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