by on January 23, 2015
" Asthma --- For the past 3,000 years or more, cannabis has provided welcome relief for countless numbers of asthmatics. It was widely used for that purpose in the 19th century. The inhalation of marijuana smoke causes bronchial dilation lasting up to 1 hour. The bronchodilator effect of orally ingested THC lasts up to 6 hours, but it is not as powerful as smoking marijuana. THC aerosols are not as effective as smoking marijuana because aerosolized THC has an irritating effect on the air passages."

I've has asthma as long as I could remember and on a daily switched my inhaler for a bong and in over almost 4 years of using medical marijuana I haven't had an actual attack in about two years. If people and the media could focus their negative energy on knocking it down and turn it into positive energy and showed what wonderful benefits there are in cannabis everyone would be set.

So if you ever wonder , that's one of the reasons why I smoke. <3'
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