by on January 8, 2015
Well its been a long few years here with the 420nurses!
I am going on 2 years of being an Intern here.
I have met amazing people, made even more amazing friends, and found a community, lifestyle, and business I never expected.
In the 2 years of my work here with the nurses I have learned more then ever about myself, and who I want to be, and although I have been through some rough times, even fighting with girls, my connection has only grown not only with each individual but with the community that is 420nurses.
I have learned growing here that even though you fight, its not the fight that matters its the reason we are fighting. We are a family and if you have your heart in the right place, we always come back together.
Cannabis is a strong community and a strong family and ive never been happier to be apart of what we do here at 420nurses.
I would like to give a shout out to a few of the MANY people who have helped me and motivated me and taught me what I know now Smile
ChaCha VaVoom
Summer Rain
Sativa Manning
Although there are many more and even more in the cannabis community these people are true leaders, and I would not be here without their help and knowledge. Smile
This is a hard world to live in, and I am more then excited every day to wake up and know that 420nurses is my home, my family, and my future.
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