by on January 7, 2015
So the other day I thought I died....
I thought I died because I was driving home from work and right before getting home I smoked with my vaporizer pen (with the dry herb cartridge). And when I get home I see my car (the one I was driving) parked in my spot. It was late and I'm just sitting in my car smoking, trying to process wtf is going on. I'm staring at my car and my heart drops. "Omg" I think to myself, "I'm probably DEAD!" I started to panic (not good while high). I was trying to remember what happened.
I stared hard at my car. I think I stood there for a good 5 minutes before a tear rolls down my cheek and I say to myself, "Omg, I died in ILLINOIS." That made me very sad because I was only there to visit. "Why didn't I die in Colorado like I wanted to?" I kept thinking and finally I said, "Why tf is my soul coming back to my parent's house?" I was so confused. I couldn't even. Then I get closer to the car and my lights are shining brighter on it when I realized the car I was looking at was silver. My car is blue. Then I remembered my uncle has the same car as me! haha. I laughed a nervous laugh and just continued on. The End
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Thanks! Yeah, I was tweaking out. haha
Like January 7, 2015