by on November 19, 2014
I have worked in the medical cannabis industry here in California for the last 4 years. I have been able to see the ins and outs of working in/running a medical dispensary, as well as learned some of the most incredible things about growing, concentrate production, and so on. My understanding of a plant that I had been taught as a child to fear, was growing into an amazing appreciation and crazy obsession to know everything I possible could. The journey has been extremely rewarding and I have been able to network, and meet people from all over, all from the shared love of a plant.

Recently I began work in a new dispensary where I really just had the luck of being in the right place at the right time. While I was being hired, the boss asked what I was in school for, I told him that i was majoring in Biochemistry specifically so I could go ahead and create some of the world's purest medicine. He went on to inform me that he had just in fact hired a Biochemist for onsite work and that they had the capabilities to test strains for potency levels of cannabinoids, as well as to test for different strains of mold etc.

It took three months of initial "bitch" work, but I finally am working in the lab, and the other day was able to learn how to test strains for their cannabinoids levels. It was extremely exciting and to be able to be doing hands on work on what I have been dreaming of, and working so hard to get to for so long. Not only was it just freaking awesome all around but I tested some Sour Diesel (which in my opinion in the last few years has become a bottom shelf outdoor grow, for the most part) but I tested this Sour D that was absolutely beautiful covered in crystals, and you know what? It hit 22.26% as an outdoor grow. I was blown away and thrilled that I was the one who produced such exciting results for one of our patients. Smile I can't wait to tell you guys more as my journey into the science of cannabis progresses.
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Virgo Kush
Awesome blog! Congrats on your opportunity. I would love to work in a lab or just a dispensary to start off.
Like November 19, 2014
Like November 23, 2014