by on October 14, 2014
Hey guys!
I just wanted to write this because I wanted to share with you guys how far I've come in my 420nurses journey and share with you what I'm doing!
Since purchasing my intern kit I have begun taking a lot of pictures in my gear! I've some issues uploading but I'm working on getting me all up hopefully this week! That helps me to promote my work as a 420nurses everywhere. I also bring business cards where ever I go just in case you never know who you'll find that's interested! I have have ran into like 3 people just randomly(:.
I also had the chance to get my first paid gig doing a video shoot with bellamarley420 it was crazy but fun! Next was hempfest in Vegas which was so amazing! I am so thankful I had the opportunity to go and meet all the amazing girls there! You are all beautiful and I love you! I have been able to make some special friendships with girls and I love the bonds we have! Also because of 420nurses and hempfest I was able to get a part time, modeling, product review job once a week! It's amazing working with these people and a really fun job. I'm learning a lot about new technology and advancements in the way to medicate it's amazing! That's where my 420nurses has brought me so far and I'm looking forward to everything else ahead! Whats one goal you've reached by joining 420nurses? Or something awesome that's happened? I wanna know! Thank you and much love for reading!
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