by on October 6, 2014
ߑI didn't kn۰ߎw what, I shðߎuld be fðߎr Hallðߎween this year.(Keep in mind that I am aways ready fðߎr Hallðߎween!) Sðߎ I asked my 3yr ðߎld sðߎn "Hey what dðߎ yðߎu think, I shðߎuld be fðߎr Hallðߎween? he knðߎws I'm scared ðߎf Zðߎmbies,haa!! Sðߎ he said "MðߎM shðߎuld be a Zðߎmbie Nurse and I shðߎuld I'll be a 42ðߎ Zðߎmbie Nurse this year!. Haa, Sðߎ it lðߎðߎks like I'll be a 42ðߎ Zðߎmbie Nurse this Hallðߎween. haa hes tðߎðߎ cute!ðߑ
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