by on August 14, 2014
So last night I had the biggest headache and a family member makes a unnecessary comment that made be laugh.
Her: "what's wrong?"
Me: "My head hurts I have a headache I think!"
Her: "Maybe its all that weed!"

(keep in mind that I have never gave her a reason to assume or to accuse me or pass judgement for her to indicate any allegations about possible use, but I am a strong supporter and my view on medical marijuana is at its most acknowledge state of mind!)

I reply: "My tooth hurts I think that's why!"
Her: oh ok she says I have a that address so you & your sister can go and get your tooth taken out!

Times such as this I realise how closed minded, un educated, how much false stigma about medical marijuana really is. Being a freedom fighter/activist for mj, this was a true reality check & trying to change the worlds view reminded me that it has to start with in once home! Cause if my memory serves me correctly medical marijuana is suppose to help with headaches and so forth. If I'm wrong about this please feel free to correct me!!

(I have never had a headache before but my tooth is coming off while the other one is coming in right on top so that's were I'm getting the pain from :/ )

"No negative comments need please!"
"I will delete!!"

I just wanted to point out how the medical marijuana community has came so far over the pass years and we still face people that aren't as well notified about the plant or well aware as to how it may help once well being! So my massage is be patient and help them understand and acknowledge them more about medical marijuana by showing them clips, documentary, proving strong facts about mj it being negative and positive the key is to provide a strong understanding about the plant and providing enough facts to allow them to make accurate statement. That said keep in mind people fear what they don't understand or know.
One love,
Lovely Lely
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