by on March 21, 2014
Cash Hyde was an extremely brave 4 year old boy who fought brain cancer since the age of 2. Sadly young Cashy lost his battle and passed away on November 14 2012 surrounded by his family. Myo Mr. Kiefbox built the Hyde family a medicine chest to be auctioned off so the proceeds could be donated to the foundation in Cashy's name back in October of 2012.
Just recently vandals destroyed the chest and now Mr. Kiefbox is looking for donations so he can get the materials needed to build the Hyde Foundation a new medicine chest. A lot went in to the making of the original chest and it's meaning should be known to all who have read about it. I am writing this blog in the hopes that some of you that read this contact Myo Kiefbox on his Facebook page and find out how to get him your donation. Even if it's only a dollar, every little bit helps and it will help keep Cashy's memory alive.
I hope this message gets to at least one person. If I succeeded in that, then my job was worth it.
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