by on February 24, 2014
High 420nurses and fans,
Have you ever stopped and taken some time to think and as the song goes, think about whats important to you? Have you thought or written down things that bother you? Have you "Dab-eled" in the thought that others such as that corporation on the East Coast is brain washing you and has been doing so all your life?
Well, it may be true to my 44 year opinion too. How do we stop this crap? Not sure but I have a plan. Its not hard and I believe we can hit them pretty hard with a smile. Stay with me, I will need help.
Money, Love, Kindness and motivation seem to bother all of us the most, both US and Them. Lets take money for starters. Yes, that thing that we so love, cherish till what truly seems until death. Yes, till the end most people worry about stuff like money and its not till they are on our way out of this life, do thet stop and think. Shouldn't they be worrying about "Dabs" and when or what kind do they want to do next.
Yes, instead we look at the gas price when we drive by the on average, 4 stations a day and worry about how much it will cost to fill up next. Why do we care. We are going to do it at the end of the day or week anyway. Yes, its like that, isn't it?
So, what do we do? Well, we fight the best way we can or know how or, what comes easy, we wine. We are all out of work actors and actresses. We wine, bitch, piss, fuss, cuss, cry, sulk, not eat, then some how, some way, we get on with life. Well, I say hit back but not get mad, get even.
False messenger is what we used in most all the deployments I have participated in. Spam is what we call it on the internet. Some can say they have participated in a chain letter. Perhaps the old spamy thing on email that read don't use "X" gas station on certain days and only those on other days? Yes, we hit them so hard they gave us rewards cards in the "90's". Yes, that I think was a home run. So gas is still going up and what, they have a little extra set aside for us so we will "like" them more? I think we or at least I am still getting screwed.
So, again I ask nurses and fans of our nurses, help me help you help all of us by coming up with an attack. I have some ideas and I plan to be dabbin during this stretch of life so, if you're in, drop a comment. Lets not call this an attack though, nurses are helpers of the ill. In this case, the ill is the pitch. It will be a learning or teaching exercise that will be played out under medication and fun. Perhaps its not gas. Maybe its cotton or even paper. For me its water, what else? Why do we pay for water as much as sometimes gas at the pump?
Sure, we done see it because we had this addiction long before gas. Now we just put it in the bills and smoke about it. Lets break it down. How do we get our water? Bottles, faucets, wells, in food, in canned food, in bulk or small, food or figure, we pay. Wait, how do I track that carp on the news? We or I don't, we fold because...?
Lets hit them with water in a 420Nurses kind of way and put some dabs in it. Again, drop an idea and we can run with it.

The 420Nurses Waterguy
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