by on February 24, 2014
The 420nurse Xesia is going beyond the call of being a 420nurse with her chapter in Seattle Washington.

Join Xesia now and become her Fan Official now

She is establishing a well-structured chapter with beautiful girls in Seattle that understand the value of the 420nurses network. Xesia is a true leader and perfect model for other chapters to follow. They have been hard at work promoting themselves as 420nurses and getting the attention of a lot of local business. They are growing there chapter every day with new interns and new girls that will be contributing to the expansion of the 420nurses.

The Los Angeles Chapter is very proud of the success and motivaton Xesia and her girls are bringing to the expanding 420nurses.

As seen LIVE on "Chat" Seattle 420Nurses Washington Chapter

Congratulations to her new sponsor The Hippy Co from London. Ontario Canada

Follow their business TODAY Smile
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Way to Go!! Knew you had it in you with that touching and passionate blog you did about going to the state lawmakers. Smoking a bowl to ya now, some flowers from my last trip to LA.
Like February 26, 2014
Analyze your new laws and see if there is any wording concerning GMO/genetically engineered pot, marijuana, cannabis mentioned. If not educate your chapter and keep reading the NEWS to stay safe. Monsanto wants it legal for GMO weed to stoners, later to MMJrs. One Love, not GMO'd.
Like February 26, 2014
thank you so much [x=2]ChaChaVaVoom[/x] for all your wonderful love and support! <img src="" alt="Smile" title="Smile" title="v_middle" /> I couldn't do ANY of it without you <3
Like February 26, 2014