by on February 12, 2014
Well, for those who dont know, i have purchased my Intern Kit!!!
I have spent most of my life trying to find a place where i fit in. Trying to find something that i was good at, something that would make my name and make shine.
I was quite a lonely girl and i never really had much to talk about, as i didnt have much in common with those my age.
When i found this place, i logged onto Live Chat and i met some of the most amazing people ive ever had the pleasure of encountering.
Thinking this was only a Chat Site at the time, i learned more and more about this site in just that one day. Going from amazing people, to then learning that this site is more then that.
I have gone through a lot growing up and that has caused my body to not be so healthy as i grow older, and yes ive gone to the doc, and yes ive been put on pills and being through as much as i have i have realized that the one thing that keeps me painless, and happy, and still able to function and go with my life is marijuana.
Also growin up i was not the prettiest child, i had big ears, big glasses and i was definatly a pizza face. When i Turned 18 my outter features finally decided to grow up and being able to spread my story and struggle, and spreading insperation to all, along with boosing my own confidence, i have found that everything about the people here, and what you all do to be exactly what i have been looking for my whole life.
Although i know its a long road, i hope to one day be able to know, that i helped all those people better their life and be happier with their life.
The one thing that makes me happy is seeing other people happy and healthy, and that is my goal.
In my journey here on 420Nurses i hope that i can get to know more people around the world, and hear your stories as well, and i hope people would feel free to join me in my fight to spread the happyness and joy that comes with natures gift. (marijuana) Smile
One love.
And i hope everyone has a wonderful day.
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Summer Rain
<3 <3<3
Like February 12, 2014
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