Hemp Hunter
by on September 14, 2013
DENVER (AP) — Hundreds of people are lining up in a Denver park to get a free marijuana cigarette as part of a protest against a plan to impose high taxes on the drug, which is now legal in Colorado for recreational use.

Littletree Oppy is one of two people handing out the cigarettes Monday at Civic Center Park. Oppy says she is protesting the proposed taxes because people who can't afford to pay would be forced to go to the black market.

Gulf War veteran Randy Notz says he suffers traumatic brain injury and qualifies for marijuana under Colorado's medical marijuana law. He says he showed up for a marijuana cigarette to show his support for the campaign to defeat a ballot measure that would impose high taxes.

SOURCE: http://www.fox43tv.com/news/national/denver-activists-give-away-pot-to-protest-taxes_69184605

Smile That would be me.. LittleTree Smile
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