by on July 18, 2013
I'd like to start this first blog out to state that I have been diagnosed with depression since I was 15, had Insomnia since I was 16, and I started having really bad anxiety problems at 19 when my sister died. My sister, Lonna, was born with Cystic Fibrosis (a genetic disorder that affects the body by producing too much mucus usually leading to lung problems but in reality can affect any and every organ system) but was diagnosed at the age of 20. She was a medical guinea pig for most of her life because for the longest time no one knew what was wrong with her. A diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis at the age of 20 helped to point the doctors in the right direction but her test results only made things more difficult. She did not have the typical genetic markers, and during a sweat chloride test they could never obtain any sweat (cause the test room was always freezing). She was also a varsity cheerleader in high school and so she sustained injuries that complicated her condition. By the end of it her conditions included CF, a fetal right kidney, asthma, anxiety, insomnia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, carpal tunnel, severe migraines, Raynaud's phenomenon, and fibromyalgia. Within the last couple years of her life she was becoming frustrated with having to fight pharmacies, doctors, and nurses for the pain medicine she needed and was prescribed. She needed Fentanyl which is 100 times more potent than morphine. It's also a breathing suppressant. During this frustration the people around her tried to help by getting her to "smoke" marijuana. She couldn't take the straight hit into her lungs so we would shot gun to her. I even tried to make tea as much as I could. This seemed to help but her pain was so agonizing nothing could really touch it. Though she always said it was far better to have her pain lower by 1% than to deal with the pain at 100% because then she could at least take a shower by herself. The only problem was she could rarely get her medicine in time from the pharmacy before she had withdrawals. I can never understand how a corporation that is supposed to care for the sick is only pushing people toward pills with harmful side effects. When we would smoke my sister out she could relax long enough for a back or foot massage that would help with her muscle aches. When she would take just a smidge too much Fentanyl or if the Duragesic patch would leak she would become rather loopy and tired. She would lose her memory and accidentally take more. It was after a trip to the emergency room when the doctors turned her away and gave her an oral antibiotic (which over the years stopped to work and only IV antibiotic could help) and she died that night. She had E. Coli and they let her go home. Her breathing stopped more than likely due to her pain medication. She was my older sister of 9 years but she was like my twin. She died in 2010. It makes me think of all the research we have nowadays. If she had access to hash and could dab maybe she wouldn't have needed Fentanyl as much. Maybe she could have suffered a little less. Its amazing what can happen in a few years but I'd like to see cannabis legalized federally. Maybe then we could see people be independent from their physical dependencies on prescriptions that in the long run only damage the body.
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Katie kush
<3 simply <3
Like July 19, 2013