Summer Rain
by on June 13, 2013
A UCLA study suggests friendships between women are very special. They shape who we are and who we are yet to be. They can even fill the emotional gaps in our marriages and help us remember who we really are. Support, salvation, transformation, life: this is what women give to one another when they are true friends. Not everything is a competition and in the end, us ladies, are only going to have each other. In one study, for example, researchers found that people who had no friends increased their risk of death over a 6-month period. Let's take a stand against forces telling us that girls shouldn't get along by doing our best to understand each other, to communicate with each other and maybe even LIKE each other. Women-owned businesses in the United States grow at 11% compared to 6% in other companies and have revenue growth of 32% compared to 24%. In another study, those who had the most friends over a 9-year period cut their risk of death by more than 60%.

Stop hating on other people every chance you get, learn to love yourself & move forward.

- ONE LOVE.<3 stay together, ladies.
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