Lady Dro
by on February 28, 2013
To start off I forgot the directions to ChaCha's house so the drive quickly became an adventure! After 4 stops, very rude people, People wishing they could help, and very kind people willing to go out of there way to help a lost girl! <3 Karama can be beautiful! But nevertheless I made it just in time to meet the lovely ladies that came early! We basically just hung out and talked on the count they had to leave soon.. But very shortly after them leaving the next couple girls arrived! Its so good to see other girls just like me trying so hard to get the intern kit! ( I know you can do it if you really want it!) I watched as they took pictures and introduction videos. We smoke some blunts and made some smoking videos but the night quickly came to a end in the blink of an eye. I hope to see all the girls again very soon!! <3

P.S. I got lost on the way home too... haha Im horrible. A stop at a Vons which gave me wrong directions and a (amazingly) friendly L.A.P.D.! I guess even pigs have a soft spot for a stoner girl trying to get home! ;p
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