by on February 9, 2013
I took my first toke on 4/20/98 with my best friend, and it was that day that my love for marijuana started. Being 13 years old and not knowing shit about life in general, I had a very naive viewpoint about what this plant was about. At that time I knew it got you stoned and that was about it. My days of discovering it's medical benefits were still far into the future, but I knew I loved to get high, so what else was there to know? I spent all of high school getting baked and just being a teenager, thinking I knew everything and testing my boundaries.
When I turned 17 I started experimenting with other drugs, like meth, just like the people I hung out with on the street did. I fell in deep with meth and alcohol and pretty much dropped weed out of my life for the most part. And after all the danger, drama, and absolute hell I endured, I finally had enough, and at the age of 21 I decided to take a look at my life so far. What I discovered made me sick and I had to put an end to the madness. I realized I was slowly killing myself and for a brief period I was either oblivious to it or just didn't give a shit. So I made what was a very hard decision at the time, and said goodbye to my friends and left to get clean on my own without treatment. I wanted to see if I had the strength myself before I gave in and went to rehab. It was at this time that I found the greatest friend I've ever had. Her name is Mischelle.
I met Mischelle when her and her family moved into the house next to mine, and after discovering that we both smoked weed, we became fast friends. I explained my troubles with her after getting to know her and she had similar stories to share with me. Having her around as my outlet when I felt the urge to relapse was such a great gift. It was during one of our talks that we started a long conversation about weed. She told me a lot about it's medical benefits, which at the time I was still unaware existed. I became instantly interested and started doing more research on my own and found so many amazing things that made me look at this plant from an entirely different angle. I actually started to love and appreciate the plant and it's qualities that really are a miracle. I didn't know how much of a miracle that plant was until 2010.
iN 2008 Mischelle started working for the FAA which is a branch of the federal government. She was excited to get the job and I was excited for her. She moved south closer to Seattle so she could commute easier to work, so the times I saw her became few and far between. Then in the spring of 2010 as I'm sitting on my front porch I see her parents car pull in to the driveway and Mischelle's dad carefully helping her out of his car. I walked over to see if she was okay and she told me that she hadn't been feeling well at work so she went to the doctors and they had her rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. They discovered an actively hemorrhaging tumor on her brain stem and five active bleeds in her brain. The doctors were floored she was even still alive, but didn't expect her to make it through surgery. They were able to successfully remove most of her tumor, but left a little bit because removing it all would damage her brain stem and most likely kill her. She did survive her surgery and I stood by her side, held her hair when she was sick, and gave her my shoulder to cry on. She told me she was already set to start treatment with cannabis oil, because she refused to put herself through chemo and radiation. I supported her decision and was interested to see first hand if what I read and heard about cannabis and cancer was true.
Mischelle went back for another brain scan 6 months after her tumor removal surgery and was told by a very floored surgeon that there were NO TRACES OF THE TUMOR LEFT! She was cancer free and it was her cannabis oil that devoured that little sliver of tumor still attached to her brain stem. She came home that day so excited and it was hard not to feel the same way. I not only got to have a true understanding of marijuana, but I got to experience first hand what it can do for those who really need it to survive. Mischelle didn't go through one single chemo session and the only surgery after that was to fix her sinus passages. I feel very fortunate that I didn't have to watch her suffer and wither away into nothing. I got to keep my friend and I promised her that from the day she became cancer free until the day I die, that I would dedicate my life to spreading the truth and to actively fight for the rights of others to use this medicine in the hopes of saving their lives. I couldn't witness something that amazing and disregard it as a coincidence.
So that is why I'm not only a cannabis user, but also a supporter in it's medicinal abilities. I feel that I've come a long way from being just a kid who enjoyed getting baked and causing trouble. I'm now a true believer of this plant and I never want to stop learning about it and everything that it's capable of doing that benefits those that utilize it. This is my story of how marijuana changed my life and why my love for cannabis is still as strong as ever to this very day.
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