Jen's Photography
by on August 26, 2012
so ferne stopped by my place today after the venice beach shoot. she brought her jar of medifaded sugar and i tried some. now im picky with food flavor. i dont eat sour or spicy food, i focus on sweet and savory foods more. i love sweet food, and sugar is awesome, but i also am one of those people who doesnt eat any type of edible (so far) more than a taste test because i don't like the food taste of marijuana. i kno im weird, i love the taste of marijuana when i smoke it, it becomes kinda savory then, but the taste of an edible doesnt appeal to me. now that you've learned that about me, now know that i love medifaded sugar. the initial taste of medifaded sugar is a pretty strong marijuana flavor (i did eat a spoonful of it straight tho), but afterwards, there was no aftertaste. i know if i put that in lemonade i wouldnt taste pot, and i put a lot of sugar on my lemonade to get rid of the sourness of the lemon. im also thinking about sugar cookies, and medicated caramel sauce to put on a caramel apple, there are so many things i could do with medifaded sugar. so im going to be getting some medifaded sugar after my next paying odd job ^_^ you guys should get some too. try this awesomeness, cuz its possible to taste the awesome
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