by on August 13, 2012

Sometimes i spend hours answering questions like this from people with pain...........

  • Hey ChaCha! Hope you can help? I just had a major surgery to my leg and thr Des keep pres pain mess! I don't want all those fems in my body! How can I get a script for marj? Also I have a Nev id! Any help or ref would be amazn! Thank you for your time and attention!!!!! U Rock! All the best! KC

Im so happy to be a 420Nurse simply because my LIFESTYLE allows me to meet nothing but the best in people, for people By the people  Smile - Im able to make comnnections for Everyone Smile

- Im not only a Promotional model im also a 420Nurse and im very happy  AID to a persons needs from  KC  looking for medical Marijuana for his pain Smile to being part of  a Brand it is now a Movement for Women who are striving to Network at a larger scale.

            GumbieHeart:           BabyPink:     PrettyFace

          WELL KC i would personally would love to Recommend Roger A. Barnes , he is located in beautiful PASADENA Smile - He is trully the best and has been there for over 5 years !! So you know he is not going anywhere! - they have their own parking and there office is SUPER CLEAN , Professional and make sure they answer all your questions PLUS give you and overview of the general things you should know about your REC " Knowledge is POWER"

Baby Pink with KMK kottomMouth Kings

Enjoy the services, Great Alternative Products and Professional STAFF Smile

He is Voted the BEST DR for Medical Marijuana 5 times and he is up for another one!!! PLEASE VOTE!In order to vote you will need to register/create an account at the only mandatory fields that you have to fill out are email, password, and security field.

There have been 0 reported deaths from marijuana overdose. Marijuana helps cancer patients, AIDS patients, migraines, anxiety, anorexia, multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, nausea, arthritis, alzheimers, tourettes syndrome, depression, and the list goes on and on. It helps so many different ailments with so little side effects. Please take 5 minutes out of your day to vote Roger A. Barnes MD/ Medical Marijuana for best alternative medicine.

 You can visit his website at or call 626-344-7596 to learn more about how marijuana is the safest medicine or becoming a legal medical marijuana patient. All voters can receive a $10 discount on their evaluation just by letting us know they voted when calling to schedule an evaluation or renewal appointment. Hurry and vote before the polls end!!! Please remember to type in Roger A. Barnes MD/Medical Marijuana in the box next to alternative medicine.  The alternative medicine category is in the second group down in the second block on the voting page, under Services/MISC.

Roger A. Barnes, MD & Associates


ChaCha VaVoom

(480) 420 -6877 

(818) 649 -9409

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