by on May 2, 2012
All is good in my hood. Rescued a new kitty over the weekend, her name is Dixie Chicken. She is special needs, nad beyond sweet. She needs some TLC and I can't wait to get her good as new. This weekend there is a Pole Dancing competition..looking forward to it, although between us here..I am not sure how I feel about the competition scene..I have been going back and forth on whether or not I want to compete. Pole is a whole other world, but for me it mixes with this lifestyle as well..I find when doing certain stretching and slow and controlled moves, on top of listening to my favorite music..adding a nice toke of dro allows me to relax and push myself. One of my favorite pole inspirations will be coming out with a floorwork DVD..floorwork is a big part of the sexiness in Pole..probably the foundation of it. She chose a great Doom band from Chicago .. LORD .. I'm super excited for this..sometimes group classes get irritating because the music isn't my cup of this has me ecstatic! I also found today while picking up some magazines Terrorizer put out a DOOM special!!! Free CD..or maybe its a free mag with CD cuz it was $14..I am looking forward to tokin up and reading through it and stretching to the CD tonight!! Hope all is good in your hood too!Happy
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