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Female Lives in Van Nuys, California, United States Born on November 14
by on June 19, 2016
Today my pops came down to see me. We had a really nice lunch at Macoroni Grill. We even had a beer! I am glad we got to spend time today. He has always been my super hero and he has always been there for me. Lunch was great and we had a great server. After lunch we went to see my grandpa we had a nice talk. I really wished i could of been at the da dank festival! I can't wait to hear about how it went! I'm just really happy over all and this weekend is what i needed. Now I'm watching tv and ge...
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by on June 18, 2016
I am so excited I found out this week that I am eligible to still get my license and now petty tickets are holding me back! That is so exciting and I can't wait till I can drive life will be so much easier. I can't wait till I get my car and I don't have to wait for the bus anymore. Life just keeps getting better and better. I always have been a positive person no matter what situation I'm in I always find a solution. I'm just that kind of girl I've always been independent women and that is a gr...
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by on June 18, 2016
I'm really excited for this weekend. I'm going to be super busy too. My boyfriends family is having a graduation party today. I am really in love with my boyfriend's family they are the sweetest and they make the best mixed drinks. My life is so full and wonderful. I have an amazing boyfriend who is so loving and supportive. Sunday my pops is coming with my step mom, step sister Kristal for father's day. I'm super excited to have lunch with them since this happens once every few months since the...
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by on June 16, 2016
When i put my heart in something I acheive it that's the way it's always been. It would be an honor to be able to attend chalice and work this wonderful event. I'm always passing out flyers whether it's to random people or dropping them off at a clinic or business I'm visiting. I do well under pressure and I have a high tolerance I can maintain and work while I dab or just toke away. I always have a smile on my face. I will do what i can to answer any question anyone asks me even if i don't know...
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by on June 13, 2016
Spaceland was fun! It went pretty well it was cold and i fell asleep half way through it was really nice kicking it with my girl boba she is such a sweetie and she kept me safe, medicated and warm! We met some cool chicas and people! I mingled with some old friends! All that sucked is that we lost a phone haha and we were a widdle under prepared haha. There is always next time and next time will be perfect this time was fun too though!
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by on June 4, 2016
Well I'm on my way to my boyfriends parentxright now for his cousins graduation party and I'm pretty excited! His step mom has some formal dresses for me to try on! I can't wait to see how cute they are! I'm dabbing on some gold member extracts God's gift right now. It's really good i can't wait to try more of their stuff. I wish i could be in hempfest but family always comes first! But i bet you guys are having so much fun! I can't wait to hear all about ut and i hope peanut wins!!
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by on June 2, 2016
For the last few days I've had a survey. I rather be at 420nurses headquarters getting work done and finishing all my reviews i need to finish! So don't worry i haven't forgotten I've just been super busy. I want to go to Hempfest but i don't know where id stay and I'm kinda tight on money at the moment too. Peanut I wish you the best of luck! I hope you win! I have a graduation to attend on saturday my boyfriends cousin is graduating highschool how exciting! I really am looking forward to my jo...
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by on May 31, 2016
Well so my boyfriend and I are taking a 4 day survey for $430.00 each! We just finished the first day it was really fun! I am really loving how responsibly I have been becoming! I wish I could be at 420nurses headquarters working because I gotta a lot of things to finished for businesses I talked to a edible sesh. I feel like I actually have a purpose in life and that I'm actually going somewhere. I had a rough up bringing as a kid and for a while I didn't think I was going to make it and that i...
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by on May 30, 2016
So the Marijuana Edible Sesh was a blast! I really enjoyed working and meeting all the wonderful people I met! Thank you!KoK Chef Nugs,HungryMonkeyCompany, Cavier Gold,Nectar Sticks and Seedless Clothing, Uncle Ronnies, SlOgrowNgenetics, Cody's Smokin BBQ, and Shaolin Sticks. You were all so kind and I was very happy to do business with you and help you guys promote all your wonderful business! I cant wait to give you all your shoutouts and reviews! Don't forget if you ever need a very hardworki...
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by on May 28, 2016
I'm so stoked on what we are wearing to the edible sesh bbq cook off! I just picked up my yellow tank top, my black weed socks and oilspill hat from headquarters yesterday! It was awesome! I'm just so excited to work the event tomorrow and I've been promoting it like crazy on ig, facebook, periscope and other social media accounts of mine. I really like 420nurses and I'm so happy that i get to be apart!
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by on May 25, 2016
So I'm really excited for the Marijuana Edible Sesh this Sunday! There are going to be lots of fun contests, food, and plenty of 420nurses. I really enjoyed the intern meeting yesterday! And finally meeting lovelyladyhash if you arent already her fan you should check her out she tattoos and she is gorgeous! I can't wait to get the cute outfit we are all going to wear! I'm going to go to universal collective right now. If any girls are interested in becoming nurses don't be afraid to hit me up I ...
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by on May 16, 2016
i love being a 420nurse so much it's so much fun!
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