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Female Lives in san diego, California, United States Born on April 4
by on January 31, 2015
Oh How excited I am.... I finally have my tickets for the 2015 cannabis cup taking place here in southern California! To be able to be in presence of many beautiful people who support the cause and just being able to learn new methods of medical cannabis is a blessing to be able to be apart of. I will be attending the event with my 2 best friends Brian and Karlie. Brian, who is a former military war veteran who uses medical cannabis under prop 215 for his PTSD related issues. Karlie, is my fri...
100 views 6 likes
by on January 30, 2015
Didn't sleep very much last night, Kind of Just slept In increments of 1 hour or so. It was a tad Bit annoying But I guess I just have a-lot on my brain. I need to Start meditating more before bed and go to bed with a clear head.... Also I need to stop munching super hard before bedtime and Maybe I wouldn't feel so blah. Ha! Cant stop the Evil cases of the munchies!!like I was saying tho, I rolled out of bed Like every other day and got my day started. Got the kids and Their dad breakfast. Ma...
93 views 0 likes
by on January 30, 2015
80 views 2 likes
by on January 30, 2015
Insomnia Is a real thing, ya know that?Sitting thinking about how awkward my sleeping pattern is.... and how bad my Insomnia use to be due to body pain and such I would have. I have had My share of years on and off with really really bad cases of it. A main reason I use to be a heavy Toker, I felt Like I Needed to smoke to sleep all of the time. I am so glad Now in days I can go to my local dispensary and pick up some type of flower or medible even to help me relax and ease into sleep. Its so...
90 views 2 likes
by on January 29, 2015
Hey guys, How is everyone else Wednesday going so far? I am sending good vibes to everyone today! I am sitting here, Currently Its nap time for the kids. I snook away some time to catch up on my blog. just sitting here thinking about my month and up coming month and trying to plan it out, ha plans like those ever really work out! :3 About to take a rip Of the b, before I do Ill start off by explaining my day summed up for you. I Didn't get much sleep and couldn't sleep much longer today sad...
92 views 2 likes
by on January 21, 2015
I have a strong determination to read up on evrything there is to know about C-B-D and the power behind it. It is so un real- cancer patients never seeing another day of kemo therapy....Who here knows much about the C-B-D products?! Anyone still learning ? Stay stoney everyone !
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