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Female Lives in Fallbrook, California, United States Born on October 1
by on August 1, 2015
Im honored and pleased to announce that CropKingSeeds decided to pick me as their first winner for their contest with 420Nurses! There were so many great entries and beautiful ladies, I'm honestly shocked and beyond stoked to have been picked For those of you who haven't heard about them, CropKingSeeds is a well-known seed company based out of Canada that offers a variety of strains and other goodies as well. I have yet to order some seeds myself but I've already picked out the ones I want (Whit...
149 views 2 likes
by on July 20, 2015
If you haven't met me yet, I'm 420Patient MissEnvyy and I'm relatively new here on 420Nurses.com. I just wanted to take a second and blog about my experience so far thru this great new family I feel I'm slowly becoming a part of! I originally found 420Nurses on Instagram with one of my good friends a few years back as we were browsing one day. And I couldn't help but think 'DAMN I'd really love to be a part of that!' At the time, I had no idea at all how much I was truly going to love this comm...
140 views 4 likes