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Female Born on July 16, 1991
by on May 3, 2018
Back in 2005 my dad was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. At the time I was only in 7th grade. I couldnt really do much for him during that time. He fought long and hard and beat cancer. It takes 5 years for someone to be completely Cancer free after treatment. My mom kept this black note book where she documented everything that happened to my dad. Well for my dad 5 year he took the family to Hawaii. While we were there my mom brakes out that black book, and says your father has leukaemia. Thi...
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by on May 1, 2018
As a child, doctors diagnosed me with "ADD". Ahah well I dont really believe in ADD. During the early 2000s it was kind of a big deal. My parents wanted me to get on medication (Ritalin). I took that for a couple years, at the end of elementary school. I honestly dont remember what happend, but they took me off that and put me on another (Concerta). I was on concerta for a very limited amount of time. Something about that pill made me really crazy and my emotions were EVERYWHERE. So they decided...
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