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Laurie Canadian420

Female Lives in Sudbury, Canada Born on October 22
Laurie Canadian420
by on August 3, 2014
I met Tamie Lee Warner on facebook. Tammy has rare bone cancer and before she dies she would to start a group of hoopers etc here in Canada. Tamie wants to bring awareness for sick children's hospital (kids with cancer) be able to perform for these children n also integrate an anti-bully program in schools. She would like this dream to come true before she dies if you live in Canada and would love to help Tamie fulfill her dreams and are interested in hooping, please PM her you can find her one...
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by on August 2, 2014
Anyone who suffers from springtime allergies knows the misery of battling it out with pollen, grasses and ragweed, but there is one other culprit the sneezing and wheezing stoners of the world may have failed to consider: marijuana. Now, while we believe having an allergic reaction to weed is nothing less than a cruel joke played by the master of the universe, the reality is more people suffer from cannabis allergies today than ever before. A recent study written by a team allergy researchers ...
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by on June 21, 2014
Multiple Sclerosis is a disease that occurs when there is damage to the nerves in the brain and the spinal cord. Medical marijuana has shown great benefits in relieving symptoms and thus we will discuss which marijuana strain is best for MS. People who have smoked marijuana to treat this horrific disease can almost return back to normality as marijuana actually helps repair damage nerve cells. What marijuana strain works for MS? – Having asked plenty of patients with MS which strains work best f...
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by on June 21, 2014
Ingredients 1/4 oz marijuana 1 Pitcher of your favorite tea Ice Water 4-6 oz Honey of your favorite honey Filter/Strainer Instructions In saucepan, combine water and honey and simmer while stirring, until the honey becomes very liquefied. Once the honey reaches a watery consistency, add marijuana Our goal is to let the oils dissolve into the honey Allow to simmer on med-low while constantly stirring for about 15 minutes. When the majority of the active ingredient is absorbed into the honey, it...
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by on June 20, 2014
The drug nearly half a million Canadians are expected to be legally using by 2024 According to a recent Health Canada projection, there are approximately 40,000 medical marijuana users in the country; a number that is expected to rise in the coming years as the move to legalizing recreational weed is still being debated. There aren’t any official numbers on how many of the 40,000 are professional drivers, but do you know many puffs of a joint or marijuana pills you can take before an officer c...
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by on June 20, 2014
This isn’t a great time for small Canadian mining businesses. For the past couple of years, people have worried that China’s economic problems will keep it from buying metals and minerals in big quantities, as it once did, which has lowered prices for some of those commodities. Plus, mine workers are aging and retiring, and there may not be enough younger people to replace them. The combined value of the hundred largest “junior” mining companies—the small ones focussed on exploring deposits, in ...
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by on May 7, 2014
Pot activists took part in the "Global Marijuana March: on May 3 demanded the decriminalization of Marijuana. They might also have asked why was it illegal in the first place? Well that happen in 1923, and if there was any parliamentary debate, historians have been unable to find a record of it. In 1923, then Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King's Liberal government introduced an Act of Prohibit the improper us of Opium and other Drugs. The federal health minister at that time, Henri B...
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by on April 29, 2014
he developer of a special strain of marijuana marketed to children hopes to convince Health Canadato allow the product in the country, as some Canadian families head south of the border to receive the drug that's been shown to significantly reduce seizures. Colorado cannabis producer Josh Stanley and his brothers developed Charlotte's Web -- a special strain of marijuana oil with very little THC and very high cannabidiol (C-B-D), the component believed to reduce seizures. The marijuana extract i...
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by on April 28, 2014
AIRDRIE, Alta. ─ Potato chip producers and Grateful Dead fans have always believed, but a desperate mother in Airdrie, Alta., never thought she'd be calling marijuana a miracle. The cries of "mama, mama" from Sarah Wilkinson's living room just north of Calgary are all she needs to believe ─ that, and seeing her disabled eight-year-old daughter Mia going from 100 seizures a day to seven in the past eight months. "Her first seizure was 29 minutes after birth ─ it was absolutely terrifying," said...
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by on April 24, 2014
Cancer Care Ontario says drinking linked to liver, colorectal, breast and oral cancers Alcohol consumption is linked to an estimated 1,000 to 3,000 new cases of cancer in Ontario a year, the province’s cancer agency says. Cancer Care Ontario released a report Tuesday – titled "Cancer Risk Factors in Ontario: Alcohol" – which suggests a third of Canadians are aware of the link between drinking alcohol and cancer. Drinking alcohol has been shown to cause oral cancers as well as esophageal, lary...
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by on April 22, 2014
TORONTO -- A B.C. producer of medical marijuana has voluntarily recalled a batch of its "purple kush" strain and is advising consumers not to smoke the weed after a Health Canada inspection of the grower's operations turned up "issues" with its production practices. In what is believed to be the first recall of medical cannabis in Canada, Greenleaf Medicinals of Nanaimo, B.C., is advising clients to immediately stop using any marijuana they still possess from batch number PK-10-20-13. "The recal...
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by on April 14, 2014
There’s a reason patients call it “Hellth Canada,” and it’s not because they’re doing a hell of a job. Health Canada has been running Canada’s medical marijuana program from the beginning, and they’re really bad at it! Here’s the top 6 ways they’ve been screwing up. #6 They can’t decide how to spell marijuana Cannabis is a plant with many names, but most people call it marijuana and they spell it with a J. They use this word because back in the 20′s, when White Supremacists where writing Can...
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