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Laurie Canadian420

Female Lives in Sudbury, Canada Born on October 22
Laurie Canadian420
by on April 10, 2014
WHO GREW YOUR MEDICINE? You won’t believe where Canada’s legal marijuana supply is really coming from! Last week, both Tweed and Mettrum had loads of marijuana seized from the same Kelowna airport. Media reports described Tweed’s shipment as 55 varieties of “plants, seeds and in-production plant materials” from multiple growers across BC. Licensed Producers are desperate for product, since Health Canada has been so slow in processing their applications that most of them haven’t had time to gr...
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by on April 4, 2014
In the wake of a court decision that allows medical marijuana users to continue to grow their own pot, Manitoba will become the first Canadian jurisdiction to follow in the footsteps of Colorado and Washington, the Sun has learned. Policy-makers have been closely watching events in Colorado and the income the state is harvesting due to the legalization of marijuana. Manitoba, long known to be a test market for many distributors and products, will soon be used to test legalization of marijuana ...
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by on April 1, 2014
Patients with prescriptions for medicinal marijuana face jump from 50 cents to $5 or more per gram They might have a temporary reprieve, but pain-stricken Canadians who grow their own medical marijuana say they could soon face a difficult choice: go without the weed they need or break the law to get it. A Federal Court judge recently granted an injunction that allows thousands of patients to continue cultivating their own marijuana at home, or designate someone to grow it for them — at least u...
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by on April 1, 2014
Capitalizing on a reluctance by doctors to prescribe cannabis as a medication, referral and walk-in cannabis clinics are expected to open to fulfill the demand for medical marijuana. A Georgian Bay area family physician is opening a clinic in north Toronto that will specialize in writing patients’ prescriptions for medical marijuana. Capitalizing on a reluctance by doctors to prescribe cannabis as a medication, Dr. Danial Schecter will open Cannabinoid Medical Clinic, at the corner of Yonge St...
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by on March 31, 2014
The question is no longer which disease cannabis can cure, but which disease can't it cure? A study published in Nature Reviews-Cancer provides an historic and detailed explanation about how THC and natural cannabinoids counteract cancer, but preserve normal cells. The study by Manuel Guzman of Madrid Spain found that cannabinoids, the active components of marijuana, inhibit tumor growth in laboratory animals. They do so by modulating key cell-signalling pathways, thereby inducing direct growth...
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by on March 27, 2014
A medical marijuana user near Florenceville says he's relieved a ban on being able to grow his own pot at home has been temporarily halted by a federal court decision. Terry Perkins, 63, says he suffers from chronic pain from a back injury and rheumatoid arthritis. Marijuana has helped him cope, but he says he wouldn't be able to afford his medicine under new rules slated to take effect on April 1, which required him to get supplied by a licensed grower. "Under this program that they brought ...
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by on March 3, 2014
http://news.420nurses.com/canada-group-others-seek-to-avoid-monsanto-gmo-pot/ In Canada, this heinous decision made with no input from any experts in the field, such as other med patients, co-ops, cannabis experts, or even smokers, is now being challenged by a group on Prince Edward Island. Thanks to 420Nurse Laurie Canadian 420 for the news tip. One Love. Also check out http://temeculacalendar.blogspot.ca/2014/03/canada-patients-say-no-to-monsanto-mail.html
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by on January 21, 2014
Strain Solution: ADD/ADHD Solution: G-13 Haze Barney’s head honcho Derry crossed the legendary G-13 male responsible for many of Amsterdam’s finest coffeeshop weeds with a favorite Hawaiian sativa to create the G-13 Haze, which promptly won Cup awards two years in a row. Spicy and sweet flavors as well as a stupendous, uplifting high make this sativa-dominant plant a real keeper. G-13 Haze grows short and stocky for a sativa, forming dense, highly crystallized buds that fill out into long, fir...
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by on January 9, 2014
With each passing month, the popularity – and controversy – of butane hash oil (BHO) and the phenomenon surrounding it (known as “dabbing”) continues to grow in the cannabis community. Some hail it as a miracle medicine, a quantum leap forward in stoner evolution. Others criticize it, pointing to the potential dangers involved in both making and ingesting it, as well as possible negative effects on the public’s increasingly favorable attitude toward marijuana. Solvent vs Nonsolvent Extraction ...
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by on January 6, 2014
Ok so a father asks his 10 yr old son if he knows about the birds and the bees. "I don't want to know" the child says, bursting into tears, "Promise me you won't tell me".... Confused the father asks what's wrong "OH, dad," the boy sobs. "When I was six, I got the "There's no Santa speech. At seven, I got the "There's no Easter Bunny speech. When I was eight, you hit me with the "There's no tooth fairy speech. If you're going to tell me that grownups don't really fuck, I'll have nothing left to...
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by on December 28, 2013
Mark Gobuty isn't raising cattle or cultivating corn on his farm north of Toronto — he's growing medical marijuana. His company, The Peace Naturals Project, is one of the first to be approved by Health Canada to commercially produce and distribute dried cannabis ahead of changes next spring to Ottawa's marijuana medical access program. Starting April 1, the program that began in 2001 will no longer require medicinal marijuana users to buy their medication through Ottawa's one approved supplier...
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by on December 25, 2013
Let me look! Not a lot of good! What have we got for openers Jan 1, 2014? A Slap in the Face from Health Canada for Starters We’ve got a Government determined to cash in on Marijuana profits at the expense of the patients who need it for Medical relief. The Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations have little or no relevancy or help for Doctors or Patients. The rules are laid down; both become casualties to greed and are dumped. 90% of the pages and regulations of the MMPR are concerned wi...
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