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Laurie Canadian420

Female Lives in Sudbury, Canada Born on October 22
Laurie Canadian420
by on November 12, 2013
HALIFAX – In a few months, Canadians who use medical marijuana will have to purchase it through government regulated growers, and it’s not sitting well with people who need the medication. One of those people is 51-year-old Marcel Gignac of Amherst, N.S., who has had multiple sclerosis since 2008. The disease hit him so hard he had to use a wheelchair and take 27 pills a day. But after he got a doctor’s prescription to use medical marijuana, which he takes in capsule form, within a few months h...
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by on November 12, 2013
The discovery of pot’s astonishing medical potential is the most compelling new reason for legalizing the plant. For many years, the federal government has subsidized studies designed to prove the negative effects of marijuana, while blocking inquiry into its potential benefits. Ironically, the government’s steadfast search for harm has yielded remarkable scientific insights that explain why cannabis is such a versatile remedy and why it is the most sought-after illicit substance on the planet....
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by on November 11, 2013
Dr. David Allen Says, “Eat a Bud a Day” Here’s some interesting data. This video highlights a report fired up by the Department of Health and Human Services which found that our ugly little rodent friends (aka RATS) reduced their rate of STROKES by 50% w/ a simple and small amount of natural Bud, flower – i.e Cannabinoids. That’s right, Dr. Allen recommends you eat “A Bud-a-Day to Keep the Strokes Away,” raw, un-dried buds — by not activating the THCa and converting it into THC – the consumer a...
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by on November 8, 2013
If you’ve ever thought you don’t have enough time or space to grow, think again. In today’s economically stressed America, people are working longer and harder than ever to make ends meet, but you can still grow great weed, relax your mind and supplement your income -- and fit it all into your busy schedule. This inexpensive and simple system, created by the King of Queens, demonstrates just how easy it can be to grow your own magnificent herb in just minutes a day, and harvest up to three crops...
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by on November 7, 2013
Canada could use the beer industry as a model if it ever decides to legalize and tax marijuana, according to the founder of the nation’s third-largest brewer. Read the whole story here on https://www.facebook.com/Canadian420nurses
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by on November 4, 2013
The legal marijuana market in the U.S. is projected to grow by 64 per cent over the next year, to $2.34 billion U.S., according to the second edition of the State of Legal Marijuana Markets reports. But what about Canada? It seems despite its reputation for progressive attitudes on weed, the Great White North is falling behind its southern neighbour on the issue. One way this can be seen is in the prices people pay for pot. A decade or more ago, high quality B.C. bud retailed on the streets of...
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by on November 2, 2013
Health Canada is set to turn its medical marijuana policy on its head next spring, when it moves from patient-grown pot to an industry run by large commercial producers. Doctors and patients are among those opposed to it, but entrepreneurs are rushing to get a piece of what's expected to be a billion dollar business. CBC's Nick Purdon takes a look at the high stakes for the industry's main players. Watch Video here on https://www.facebook.com/Canadian420nurses
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by on November 2, 2013
This week on White Coat Black Art: Medical marijuana -- the new system for providing it to Canadians and why much of organized medicine wants no part of it - even though thousands of patients are clamouring for it. A chronic pain specialist in Calgary tells Brian she's worried about being asked to give patients drug that may not be safe or effective. The head of the Canadian Medical Association agrees, but is hopeful the government will heed the warnings from MDs to "get it right.' Brian also ...
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by on November 2, 2013
Last week, word leaked that GW Pharmaceuticals will supply the US government with cannabis-derived cannabidiol (C-B-D) for a special Investigative New Drug program, so at least 50 children with epilepsy can try the non-psychoactive marijuana-derived compound as a way to control seizures and treat their disease. Now, a GW-funded study published in the journal Anticancer Research has shown that cannabinoids – “the bioactive components of the cannabis plant that display a diverse range of therapeu...
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by on October 27, 2013
420nurses is not only about Advertising : Modeling : Networking but coming together as a team, a family. We are not only promoting business & ourselves but each other. We have to remember we are not here to compete against each other but to support and help each other out when and however we can. We are all beautifull and unique. We all came to 420nurses for some reason or another. I love the 420nurses. ChaCha & Summer Rain and all the 420nurses are so addictive and I am happy to be part o...
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by on October 26, 2013
Tracy Curley is a Toronto-based medical marijuana patients advocate and has suffered from type 1 diabetic since the age of six. Tracy is legally authorized to consume cannabis to stimulate her appetite, regulate her blood sugars, and treat the pain associated with diabetes related neuropathy. She currently gets her medical marijuana from a designated grower who will no longer be able to supply her under the new Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations amended by Health Canada. What do you th...
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