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Kraken Love

Female Lives in ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico, United States Born on May 2
by on February 21, 2019
Been a moment since I've been active but I feel as though I am more myself now. My life is finally getting more and more positive and healthy each day.  This is something I just want do to explain my healing from a loss and sudden change. I know it took some time and a lot and I mean a lot of energy to not just curl up into a ball and stay that way. Of course coping with grief, depression and anxiety is not an easy situation. It is never bad to want to get help and I would absolutely encou...
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by on May 20, 2018
Hello, I'm back.I feel as though I need to apologize for being unresponsive and not as active as I want to. I've been stuck in a rut and I need to keep going on with my life.Back in March I lost a person who was/still is a huge influence to me. My grandmother was/is my everything, she was there from my start and I was there to her end. For the past 3 years we had fulfilled our promise of living together again and going on more adventures, and we sure did. There is no explanation or way to show h...
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by on February 1, 2018
So I know I haven't been as active as I would hope to be. And I am trying to change that as I line up priorities and figure out what's going on with the new year. It's been one crazy year so far already, lost my fur baby norm but he made a safe return home so yay for that. HahaI guess I would say I've been struggling with the balance of being a cannabis activist at a job completely against it's use, well not completely against, just that if you are a patient, medical in NM, there is no protectio...
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by on September 17, 2017
My 421 life came from working and always missing that 4:20 light up even within a minute. I used to have a job where I would clock out 4:15/4:20,and I'd rush to my car or my ride if I was picked up. I'd have things prepared so I could try and catch it in time, if I was off soon enough to try,but nope only on few rare occasions. After awhile it start always being 4:21, a couple buddies of mine started using 4:21 as well though they got off work a few hours after. From there I started to use it fo...
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