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Hemp Hunter

Female Lives in Denver, Colorado, United States Born on January 15
Hemp Hunter
by on October 8, 2013
In a meeting still underway, the Seattle City Council passed a bill that could effectively ban medical marijuana dispensaries within the city limits by requiring the dispensaries to obtain a state medical-marijuana license by 2015—a license that does not exist. “Requiring medical [marijuana dispensaries] to have a license when the license does not exist is completely unfair,” said Alex Cooley, vice president of Solstice, which operates a medical-marijuana growing facility in Sodo. The counci...
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by on October 2, 2013
America's first (known) hemp harvest in more than fifty years began this month in southeastern Colorado. This past spring, following last year's passage of Amendment 64, which legalized small amounts of marijuana for adults and paved the way for industrial hemp production, farmer Ryan Loflin planted 55 acres of marijuana's sober sister. Last week, hemp advocates from across the country came to watch as Loflin and others harvested the first plants by hand. "It felt very historic," says advocate L...
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by on October 2, 2013
California Governor Jerry Brown has officially signed legislation into law that will allow farmers from his republic to start hoeing rows of industrial hemp as soon as spring of 2014. The decision to permit approved resident farmers to cultivate the beneficial crop has been under discussion by the state’s lawmakers since 1999. Those that supported the bill argued that the hemp business is a $500 million industry that is reportedly growing at a rate of 10 percent per year. Related bills have...
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by on September 24, 2013
Across the country, from legal 21-and-over Denver dispensaries to black-market NYC delivery services, steeply priced strains of “killer bud”—so thick with tricome crystals they shimmer like snow-covered pine trees—are readily available. OG Ghost Train Haze, Headband, Blue Dream, Lemon Diesel, and Kosher Kush (and dozens of other similarly named varieties), pick your poison. Containing levels of THC up to 25%, a small toke of any one of these varieties will get you stoned. But for some herb conn...
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by on September 23, 2013
I’m not going to give you that hippie garbage that pot is harmless, but it’s not heroin. It’s a drug and like any drug there are risks with using it. Started early, habitual use has been linked to decreased neurological activity over decades, and even psychosis and depression if prone to them. But don’t act like the chance of unearthing predisposed psychological problems is anything like the permanent bodily and psychological harm that results from heroin or alcohol abuse. And don’t preten...
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by on September 23, 2013
So what are dabs? Dabbing? Is it like dabbling? Beause I dabble, but I don’t think I’m dabbing. Well, hmmm. Dab(s) is just one of the slang names for a solid, waxy substance of concentrated butane hash oil (we’ll get to this in a minute). Philly420 columnist Chris Goldstein had an article this morning,explaining how “dabs” came to be: The term derives from the most common method used today: a piece of metal resembling a large nail is held at the end of a curved glass pipe then heated until g...
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by on September 14, 2013
DENVER – As many as 4,000 marijuana cigarettes were passed out free of charge during Monday’s anti-Proposition AA rally in Denver. Organizers of the 11 a.m. rally at Civic Center Park are trying to build opposition to the ballot measure which would impose a 25 percent state tax on recreational marijuana once it’s sold legally in Colorado in 2014. “The marijuana industry wants to pay taxes and supports these issues very well but these measures would simply be too far and out of reach for people w...
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by on September 14, 2013
DENVER (AP) — Hundreds of people are lining up in a Denver park to get a free marijuana cigarette as part of a protest against a plan to impose high taxes on the drug, which is now legal in Colorado for recreational use. Littletree Oppy is one of two people handing out the cigarettes Monday at Civic Center Park. Oppy says she is protesting the proposed taxes because people who can't afford to pay would be forced to go to the black market. Gulf War veteran Randy Notz says he suffers traumatic b...
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by on September 14, 2013
DENVER - Dozens of people lined up to get a free joint during a protest over taxing recreational marijuana at Denver's Civic Center Park Monday. Organizers upset about the proposed 30 percent tax on recreational marijuana are calling the event the formal launch of their "No on Proposition AA" campaign. Amendment 64 legalized the use of recreational marijuana in private for those 21 and over. But critics are upset state and local governments want to tax marijuana at a much higher rate than alc...
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by on August 31, 2013
Colorado X-Traction Cup To Be Held November 15th – 17th In Denver, CO As if there’s not enough going on this year with 2 High Times Cannabis Cups, one in Denver back in April over the 4/20 weekend, and the other coming up September 7th and 8th in Seattle, WA. Then there was the 710 Cup back in July . . . . Well the next big hash making contest (and this time) DABBing Olympics, has been announced! The Colorado X-traction Cup is a Nationwide hash making contest open to those 21 years of age a...
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by on August 28, 2013
Congress To Hold Hearings On State And Federal Marijuana Conflict By Erik Altieri, NORML Communications Director Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) has scheduled a hearing to address the conflict between state and federal marijuana laws. “It is important, especially at a time of budget constraints, to determine whether it is the best use of federal resources to prosecute the personal or medicinal use of marijuana in states that have made such consumption legal,” Senator Leahy stated, “I believe th...
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by on August 13, 2013
It’s not every day you read a book that blows the lid off of everything you’ve ever been taught about drugs, but Dr. Carl Hart’s recent work, “High Price,” does just that. Part memoir, part myth-buster, the fast-paced read details his journey from a violent Miami ghetto to the halls one of the world’s most prestigious universities. At the heart of “High Price” is the argument that current U.S. drug policies are not only morally wrong, but scientifically wrong as well, a game of politics and f...
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