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Green MnM

Female Lives in Oxnard, California, United States Born on November 12, 1993
Green MnM
by on January 7, 2016
Chosen as the 5th crop king contest winner was very exciting.! I was really curious to know who was the winner since I know it was around the holiday seasons everyone was busy. But any how I was drinking my coffee that morning when my husband ran to me and said BABE.!! You won.! I turned and said what are you talking about.? He's like look on Instagram so I grabbed my phone checked and BAM.!! Sure enough I was chosen as the winner for crop king seeds.! I hope to do more for them in the future. A...
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by on August 23, 2015
I've recently chosen not to take dabs anymore for personal reasons. Everyone has there opinion about wax, shatter, crumble, concentrates in general. Personally I was a big fan of takking dabs all the time me and my husband attended dab events and everything...but I just feel it isn't right. We both noticed when we didn't have any we had mood swings loss of appetite..light headed..when I stopped and realized those are all withdrawal symptoms. Which refers back to the concentrate...is it good or n...
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by on July 10, 2015
I love to dance. Dancing has always been my passion. But I feel like since I had my daughter I'm loosing my skills or somthing...I really wanna do pole dancing. At the age of 21 I wanted to already be doing pole dancing...so now I want to accomplish what I set for myself. I don't care who judges me my husband supports me to follow what I want todo so why should I care what anyone else thinks of me...gonna look into some pole dancing classes to get myself started and work up to the point I can be...
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by on June 5, 2015
It's a little late but had mommy duties to attend with my little angel. I attended the Highfi event last weekend with some of the nurses. It was a great time modeling some imperial extracts drfeelgoodedibles medicated lollipops. I met so many great people it was such a great feeling to educate other patients. While walking around taking so many pictures with all the lovely ladies was so much fun. This was my first event where I actually participated and had a duty to do. It has pushed me to try...
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by on May 25, 2015
My memorial weekend was very interesting and quite fun. Went to Caliexico and Mexicali Mexico. Went to visit my grandpas family on the ranch with some laughs memories and beer. Besides getting trapped in the car getting attacked by a brown recluse spider.!!! It was an ok weekend.! Scary but fun.! And today we celebrate with a BBQ back at home with my family honoring my grandfather who fought in world war 2.! We love you grandpa Andy.! Honoring all troops out their keep fighting for our country.!...
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by on May 18, 2015
Me and my hubby went to the greenmile5k it was actually pretty fun was able to get my husband some indicreme which has C-B-D. He has problems with his back so we were able to get a sample of it and it works great.!! He says he wakes up in the morning without cramps. So were def gonna be buying a bottle. Our whole expirenece was awesome. Weding getto be their the whole time because parent duties but glad we made it the fire show was pretty cool the girl dance with a hoolahoop on fire. Overall hop...
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by on May 7, 2015
Did a photoshoot yesterday with Virgo had a very nice time she does know how to make you laugh I have a hard time with photoshoots Somtimes but she managed too work with me. I feel I over think everything way to much when the camera is pointing towards me. I mean I love takking pictures just get a little shy. Joining 420nurses has put me a step closer in becoming a promo model. I'm not trying to be all famous I just want to take pictures for different photographers and eventually open up my own...
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by on May 3, 2015
Yesterday I attended the Los Angeles Global Cannabis March with ChaCha Summer Jewels and jasmine Had a very nice time marching with 420nurses and other patients also my family. It was nice hearing other stories along with meeting new people. Nobody deserves to go to jail for a plant. This was my first time ever doing this walk and it was great. Wish more people would come out next time and help support and fight for what's right.! I wanna get more involved and try and get others to get inspired ...
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by on April 24, 2015
Marriage is a commitment. You marry your other half because you feel it's right. My other half is like my best friend he is te person I come to when I'm sad mad or even happy and wanna share my life m world with this person. I'm always be told wow your young to be married how do you know it's the right thing...my response is yes I am young and married I'm also a mother to a pretty baby girl he makes me happy and has given me the best thing in life and that is my baby. He supports any desions I m...
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by on March 19, 2015
Being curvy and thick has it's ups and downs. I love my curves hips and booty but there's just some people out there that don't find it amusing. When I was younger I worked my butt off to have the body I wanted so I can become a model. I don't even really wanna model big, just some simple clothing lines here and there. But now as you may know I became a mom "life happened". I do not regret my baby girl because she is the light of my life.! I'm a mommy first don't let my stoner ways fool you.! Bu...
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by on March 4, 2015
Being able to attend the 420nurses headquarters with the ladies. Today was my first photoshoot I'm really shy when it come to photos. But today I decided to give it a try I think it went pretty well. Couldn't really reach up to doing a video yet but I know I will reach up to it. Becoming a 420nurse intern has inspired me to be myself and comfortable. I've wanted to become a model since I was younger but new really had the body for it...even having a child ha pushed me back...but I've been trying...
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by on January 22, 2015
Being able to be apart of this community has inspired me so much of doing a little promo modeling while being able to meet new people. I wanna be able to learn new work skills with different types of concentrates and or flowers. When I first started this community, I didn't really know how it worked but now that I'm getting a feel and meeting some wonderful 420nurses it has motivated me more to dedicate myself to this community. Wish I didn't sign up for school again but in a way glad I did. Dow...
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