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by on May 14, 2013
There has been a lot of buzz about the 420 Nurses everywhere. Of coarse with publicity, comes scrutiny.Some 420 Patients feel that the 420 Nurses could have a negative effect on cannabis culture, as well as legalization. There is judgment being passed. Especially on how woman are portrayed on 420Nurses.com. Some patients are concerned about legalization do not want cannabis to be presented with lust (i.e. 'Bud'wiser girl on your medical packaging). However, that's just marketing. I do not b...
137 views 10 likes
by on July 8, 2013
The Copper State has a law in place that patients may not grow cannabis within 25 miles of a dispensary. This is very unfortunate for the extremely ill and those on a fixed income; due to the fact that they may not grow their medication if they happen to live within 25 MILES of a dispensary that opened near them. There is hope! There is a lawsuit being filed on 7-12-13. Class Action suit in the Superior Court of Maricopa on Friday against the "25 Mile Rule". We will ask the court to declare Ar...
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by on August 21, 2013
Good Day MedHeads! I personally have been 'strictly green' when it comes to medication for a very long time. Knowledge of wax and the butane chemical extraction has always turned me off. Unsure of whether my meds where coming from a legitimate laboratory or someone's garage. So I did not join the 710 band wagon immediately. A yr. ago I tried some crumble that gave me a headache. When introduced to vape pens and CO2 extracted honey oils that tasted like their strain and where very effective, I be...
121 views 6 likes
by on May 14, 2013
Edibles are often passed upon due to vendor's inconsistency, sugar content, or some people don't think they will be affectively medicated. In truth when cannabis is ingested it is 4X stronger than thru inhalation. Please allow me the privilege to make a suggestion to medicate with a slice of banana bread. I love to do this in the morning. WARNING! Do not try before work. Below is a butter recipe. Once cannabis butter is strained and contained add 4 TBSP. to bread mix (store bought, or use your...
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by on November 6, 2013
Official Intern with the San Diego 420 Nurses. Now surpassing 420 Fans. Working in the industry. NORML and ASA member. As a 420 Nurse Official Intern hope to raise awareness of the medical benefits to medicating with cannabis. Within and outside the community of 420 Nurses. I have gained my status through work, consistency and dedication. Sponsorships do not always happen quickly. One must sometimes be patient. After all, a business is still considered young and new at 2 years. Most small busine...
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by on May 19, 2013
YOU TRULY ARE WHAT YOU EAT Some may have heard of GMO's. There have been shocking pictures online of some children claiming that GMO's caused their deformities. Those images I did not quite believe. After doing some research here and there after the past year, the results have been shocking. Over 1 year ago Poland completely banned GMO's. In Germany and other Eastern European countries hundreds of cattle died; cause: GMO's in their feed. Here in America bees are dying by the thousands, that ma...
108 views 3 likes
by on November 16, 2013
San Diego, CA may be state legal. Still federally punishable by law to posses cannabis. San Diego dispensaries are under attack. Not just by DEA agents and local police. The criminal underground appears to be resurfacing. In the last two weeks two medical marijuana venues have been robbed in the early a.m. hours. One is a sponsor to 420 Nurses. We need to legalize fully. Cannabis dispensaries are not federally secured for their finances. They must operate without the same liberties that other bu...
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