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Female Lives in Oakland, California, United States Born on September 12
by on September 16, 2019
I love to wake up before th sunrise / Start my water for my coffee - say a prayer of thanks to th unknown / and get my dabs ready for blast off // I know we all deal with our obsticles and illusions differently - concentrates help me stay in a positive relhm to continue my drive in life / to be kind to all of those on our beautiful earth // th big boost I get from concentrates and my rig is wonderful / I ride my bike to work which makes ne feel like im flying 😝 i zoom past all th cars and peo...
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by on November 30, 2018
I started smoking back when Oakland had "Bomb Spots" local weed dealers would stand somewhere to sell baggies of weed making it a 'Bomb Spot' // I continue to smoke and now I go to some bomb ass Seshes with local growers / I love to see smell and try all th different strains and extracts that are available // Ive tried moving to different counties and states before & the weed is never quite like the deals and beauty I get when Im home // Its where my little stoner heart was made 💚🌿🍯💛
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