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Female Lives in Boyle Heights, Los Angeles Ca, California, United States Born on July 8
by on December 8, 2016
Good morning friends and family Sad story diagnosed with high levels of depression. I've never experienced such a feeling. Praying to the higher power though I may not be feeling like myself nor acting like myself I never stop praying. I can't give up now, a feeling deep inside my heart hypocritically helps me to smile followed by a thought that states and I noticed it's helped. If I continue to smile it'll eventually come, even though I may not be feeling like it at the moment. I have to keep p...
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by on November 27, 2016
Only thanks i can give is to Jahߘ.. I give thanks knowing that I'm alone. I give thanks to the higher power for thanking me with blessing in pooring my tears of loneliness..and the gifts of sending him sending me great friends and true loved ones to share the day!! -Hazel<3
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by on November 22, 2016
i'm receiving great assistance believe it or not...through therapy:/ not that easy to speak to someone whom has no ties with you what so ever. it's good? it's bad? regardless taking a step to clear my mind feels kinda weird, good. I was fearful of the judgement..perhaps:/ venting is nut's already but being their.....whether these people efen care, it felt right! -Hazel<3
144 views 0 likes
by on November 17, 2016
Great morning...great morning! I'm trying to stay as positive as possible. Eliminating obstacles is ok
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by on November 15, 2016
Damn money!! I never had to worry about money when I was married, right? I had to figure some things out my dears. after 5yrs now I found a real true Love source Our Higher Power! Money did not bring me Happiness it brought rage, anger, frustration and I'll tell you, some desperate measures boi. Luckily theirs someone who cares I stay prayin -Hazel<3
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by on November 11, 2016
I never used to thank the higher power for my day's as they go by...NOW I can say that I do, and I can see all my blessing being sent my way. it feel's great to have a source higher than I thought he can be
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by on November 10, 2016
took care of multiple things today. made a list. stood focus. I was able to accomplish a lottomorrow my dear friends a whole new day. I can't hardly wait!!
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by on November 9, 2016
Getting things done the right way the first time my dears is what I found was the best thing to do. My apologies for shutting down in staying away, instead of reaching out for help. I found it very hard for me to try to enjoy myself at the time of that emotional feeling. let alone talk or open up completely. Maybe it's back to square one but this time I'm in control of my lovely square and rebuild a new and improved foundation here one with a higher power. thank's a bunch for the true,sweet love...
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by on October 22, 2016
Great friend's and fun times with families, sharing their time and lovin is more that money can buy. Best way to boost your energy! Great day loves-Hazel<3
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by on October 21, 2016
My purpose here in life..I may never know. Overall the hope and little faith i have is enough, for the higher power to take control of this lost, hurt.. Yet ever soo loving/high and shinning spirit of mine. Being misguided is no joke with all sincerity my great friends Grab a hold of the light/energy trust in it's guide, i'm doing it!! i can say, it's a bit scary butttt i'm way better than i was-Hazel<3
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by on October 15, 2016
The love here and "MY" love to you all, is sincere. The minute you loving and amazing individuals..that minute of your time when you and I become a fans of each other. or "YOU" my friends add me or tag me.. make me feel so great!! I rejoice to you today. Blessings to you hope I can make you feel the same by sharing my true feelings. You have my attention- hazel<3
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by on October 13, 2016
Sometime's pride get's in my way of things, I've decided to Humble myself forgive those who have hurt me so that I'm blessed at the end. Hey, it might take some time. Overall I can say now I have more than time than ever. I'm here like a sponge learning, writing things down and experiencing this life. excepting my mistakes and owning them to the fullest. My blessing will come soon I can feel them right around the corner we all have a purpose Humble yourselves see what it brings you-Hazel<3
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