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Female Lives in San Antonio, Texas, United States Born on October 23
by on March 23, 2015
I hate waiting! Part of the reason I'm always so broke is because I just can't wait to get what I want. I'm sick of waiting for my apartment already. So many things I want to do in my life and I'm just waiting. I don't even know what for half the time, just waiting! Well there's always next year
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by on March 8, 2015
My mind is in a million places 24 hours a day! I'm so busy yet I have nothing to do.I feel as if I'm stuck where I am and no matter how hard I try I will never get to where I'm going. Like climbing a escalator in the wrong direction. I hadn't smoked in a few days and I felt like life was just not worth living! I was depressed and anxious all the time and there was nothing I could do about it. The world around me was falling apart and nothing was going my way. It still is, but since smoking a b...
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by on January 19, 2015
As some of you may already know my husband lost his job recently. He was the one who made the "bill" money. Our bead winner if you will. Well recently we've been talking about just moving to a legal state. Has anyone on here ever just up and moved like that? The idea of just moving to, let's say Colorado, excites me. The thought of the freedom to go to the store and buy my medicine without being judged Sign me up! What scares me is finances what if neither of us find a job and I don't have a s...
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by on January 18, 2015
It's the great debate. Everyone's asking, 420 or 710, team wax or team flower? I have to say maybe if I wasn't in Texas I'd be doing globs but it's much easier and way cheaper to find some good dro. I think money had a lot to do with it too. Especially since my husband lost his job I really don't have the money to go buy a rig to smoke it out of. I don't know what do you think? Some say the flower itself is more natural. If I had a store I could walk into and buy it from (and the money) I think...
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by on January 16, 2015
I am insecure! When I hear how beautiful I am I usually think the person is just trying to be nice. Joining 420nurses was a big step for me in the right direction! My body went through big changes fast and I am not happy when I look at my naked body in the mirror! I'm a mother, I have given birth to three children. I was also on and off several different medication that caused me to quickly gain and lose weight. All of this has taken its toll on my body from what I call my "baby pouch" to stretc...
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by on January 15, 2015
Yesterday my husband lost his job. All these plans I had are not cancelled. We're going to have to stay with my sister longer and I won't be getting my new laptop with the camera! I see everyone is in chat and I feel so left out. Inhale the good, exhale the bad. For better or for worse I love my husband and we will get through this. I'm actually really glad I didn't sign a lease yet, we could not afford it on just my checks alone. Yet again Cannabis had helped me to not have a panic attack in t...
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by on January 12, 2015
So today I took a risk and I just posted on my facebook about my love of cannabis! Living in Texas people look at you like a criminal when you admit you #medicate but I do and I don't care who knows anymore! It went a little something like this:I don't like to rub it in people's face but those who are closest to me already know I am a huge supporter of cannabis! Yes that's right, I'm talking medical marijuana. If this shocks you I'm sorry but it has done so much for my way of living and I'm not ...
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by on December 27, 2014
Today I packed a bag and left my apartment. My roommate had been ripping me off on the rent for the last 3 months and now wants us to pay for his late fees! BS!! NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.One of the things he brought up was the fact that I smoke weedߘ Keep in mind he makes and takes dabs on the regular. He is in fact what you would call a "drug dealer" he in fact was mine until he started ripping me off on the rent. I should have stopped buying from him a long time ago but it was convenient, which he ...
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by on December 21, 2014
I love cannabis! Marijuana has always been a part of my life and not always in a good way at first. Growing up my dad was an addict and I found bricks of weed around the house (among other things) needless to say cannabis and I had a rough start. My first experience with it personally was to have a "good time" with my friends and to try and fit in. It wasn't until I was in my 20s that I started using it for a better reason. Loooong story short I was prescribe several anti depressants, anxiety, a...
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