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Female Lives in Spring valley, California, United States Born on April 5
by on February 20, 2018
So i ordered my kit about a week ago and im already excited to start some photo shoots! Regardless if i have to prop my phone up on a tree and superstar it or drag my friends and family threw woods and nature with them being my paparazzi! hahaha so with that being said i would love to see other beautiful faces out here in San Diego if there are any other nurses or Photographers that would like to meet up and shoot together that would be amazballzzz!!!! Message me on here or you can hit me up on ...
84 views 0 likes
by on February 13, 2018
Hello, hola, bueno! My name is Chera AKA PinKie Pye I'm 24 yrs old and I live in San Diego the amazing city in Motion. I love all things nature included lovely canna plants,excluding spiders of any sort!! Haha I'm currently waiting for my mothership to come take me away but until then I'm fortunate enough to be apart of the 420 nurses family! With that being said I would love the opportunity to work as a budtender to be able to gain as much knowledge as possible about the cannabis industry and a...
86 views 1 like
by on February 13, 2018
Hello, hola, bueno! My name is Chera AKA PinKie Pye I'm 24 yrs old and I live in San Diego the amazing city in Motion. I love all things nature included lovely canna plants,excluding spiders of any sort!! Haha I'm currently waiting for my mothership to come take me away but until then I'm fortunate enough to be apart of the 420 nurses family! With that being said I would love the opportunity to work as a budtender to be able to gain as much knowledge as possible about the cannabis industry and a...
76 views 0 likes
by on January 10, 2018
fINALLY! 2014 till now, I have been apart of the 420nurses online world for a few years now and am just now diving into the intern life! To be honest i probably wouldn't have taken this plunge without the help of Miss.Tokahontas, I was very nervous to start this process due to having a Schizoaffective disorder which makes me very anxious around people. It also makes me very indecisive which contributed to me being on the sidelines for such a long time. But i am now feeling so much more confi...
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