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Female Born on February 22
by on April 11, 2015
Being a part of the 420 Nurse Community became a main goal for me after seeing them around for so long and then watching all they did in the Cup last year. I had to become a part of the beautiful family I so desperately wanted to fit in with! I grew up in a family that was, to say the least, broken. Ive recently overcome a very dark period in my life and want nothing more than to put all this effort ive had bottled up into soaring with all the lovely birds in this beautiful flock. Ive worked ext...
104 views 0 likes
by on April 1, 2015
Serenity is coming, I can feel it in my bones. Ive recently washed away some very negative influences in my life and I am so thrilled about what the future holds for me I can hardly stand it. Moved into a beautiful new home, continuing my journey through Cosmetology school, watching the joy and happiness return to my children's faces, and of course becoming a part of a beautiful family of Stoney people...yes I would say I am beside myself with excitement for this journeys beginning. I will destr...
95 views 1 like
by on March 18, 2015
Words cannot express my excitement and appreciation for all the love and welcoming support from this beautiful family of stoneys! I am ecstatic about joining in this journey of self expression with an army of like minded humans and I look forward to getting to know as many of you as possible!Thank you for reading and I hope to see your faces soon!Love n puffsKris
87 views 2 likes
by on March 16, 2015
I am in search of a good tattoo artist in the Denver area. I lost my grandpa to cancer about two years ago and ive been looking for the right artist to do a black and grey memorial piece for a decent price. Any leads would be much appreciated! (: In the spirit of tattoos, what are some of your favorite styles of tattoo artistry and your most enjoyable areas of the body to get tatted? Personay i lean towards realism and most enjoy having my back done, though ive only had a little tickle so far...
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