Sami Babyyy
on January 24, 2014
Sticky finger Doctor
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8 people like this.
Dawn Marie
Didn't know the 420 Doctor had happened yet!
Like January 25, 2014
Dawn Marie
[x=17661]Hemp Hunter[/x] Look!
Like January 25, 2014
Sami Babyyy
Its actually a costume for my 120 pound beautiful pit bull Tank (pictures of us coming soon, were actually going to Venice Beach board walk tomorrow to take pictures) but I got Brian to put the shirt on for me so I could take pics on my new apron. Sorry longest comment ever <img src="http://420nurs... View More
Like January 25, 2014
Dawn Marie
LOL.....Really!? Well, this has been something we have all been talking about, was getting 420 Doctors! 1f600.png
Like January 27, 2014