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Female Lives in carlsbad, California, United States Born on October 6
by on August 8, 2012
I had the best day ever!! I finally got to go meet Chacha. I Had a wonderful time getting to meet and hang out with her!! I am so excited to start and continue my 420 nurse journey, I learned so much about how i can promote myself and be the best 420 nurse i can be!! Super excited for the next meeting and getting to meet some of you other beautiful ladies!!
119 views 5 likes
by on July 31, 2012
I guess you all probably wanna know how i ended up out here!! well its easy the laws are amazing compared to south dakota and the scenary is just beautiful!! but i got a really big push from what i call fate!! My boyfriend and i were at work one day when my boss who also lived in my neighbor hood got a call from his wife saying that my house was on fire...it wasnt luckily but it was my neighbor and reallly good friend. My house had the siding melted off of one side and had some smoke damage. I ...
105 views 1 like
by on July 31, 2012
Hi fellow ganja lovers!Just want to let you all know a little more about me and where I am from!! I am from Aberdeen south dakota a little city here but for sd its a big city!! Anyways sd is a zero tolerance state...I was arrested two seperate times, and my mom went to prison for over a year just for marijuana! It is really crazy how strict they are. The court system even sent me to treatment twice saying i had a drug problem...when really i dont!! I just love sweet mary jane!!
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